Thirdly Third

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Thirdly Third [1]

1: τρίτος (Strong'S #5154 — Adjective — tritos — tree'-tos )

is used (a) as a noun, e.g.,  Luke 20:12,31; in  Revelation 8:7-12;  9:15,18 , "the third part," lit., "the third;" (b) as an adverb, with the article, "the third time," e.g.,  Mark 14:41;  John 21:17 (twice); without the article, lit., "a third time," e.g.,   John 21:14;  2 Corinthians 12:14;  13:1; in enumerations, in  Matthew 26:44 , with ek, "from," lit., "from the third time" (the ek indicates the point of departure, especially in a succession of events, cp.  John 9:24;  2 Peter 2:8 ); absolutely, in the accusative neuter, in  1 Corinthians 12:28 , "thirdly;" (c) as an adjective (its primary use), e.g., in the phrase "the third heaven,"  2 Corinthians 12:2 [cp. Heaven, A, No. 1 (c), [[Paradise];]] in the phrase "the third hour,"   Matthew 20:3;  Mark 15:25;  Acts 2:15 ("... of the day");   Acts 23:23 ("... of the night"); in a phrase with hemera, "a day," "on the third day" (i.e., "the next day but one"), e.g.,   Matthew 16:21;  Luke 24:46;  Acts 10:40; in this connection the idiom "three days and three nights,"  Matthew 12:40 , is explained by ref. to  1 Samuel 30:12,13 , and  Esther 4:16;  5:1; in  Mark 9:31;  10:34 , the Rv, "after three days," follows the texts which have this phrase, the Av, "the third day," those which have the same phrase as in  Matthew 16:21 , etc.

 Acts 20:9Story.
