Sum Up Sum

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Sum Up Sum [1]

1: ἀνακεφαλαιόω (Strong'S #346 — Verb — anakephalaioo — an-ak-ef-al-ah'ee-om-ahee )

"to sum up, gather up" (ana, "up," kephale, "a head"), "to present as a whole," is used in the Passive Voice in  Romans 13:9 , Rv, "summed up" (Av, "briefly comprehended"), i.e., the one commandment expresses all that the Law enjoins, and to obey this one is to fulfil the Law (cp.  Galatians 5:14 ); Middle Voice in  Ephesians 1:10 , Rv, "sum up" (Av, "gather together"), of God's purpose to "sum up" all things in the heavens and on the earth in Christ, a consummation extending beyond the limits of the church, though the latter is to be a factor in its realization.
