Golden Gold

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Golden Gold [1]

'''A — 1: χρυσός (Strong'S #5557 — Noun Masculine — chrusos — khroo-sos' )

is used (a) of "coin,"  Matthew 10:9;  James 5:3; (b) of "ornaments,"  Matthew 23:16,17;  James 5:3 (perhaps both coin and ornaments);   Revelation 18:12; some mss. have it instead of No. 2 in  1 Corinthians 3:12; (c) of "images,"  Acts 17:29; (d) of "the metal in general,"  Matthew 2:11;  Revelation 9:7 (some mss. have it in   Revelation 18:16 ).

'''A — 2: χρυσίον (Strong'S #5553 — Noun Neuter — chrusion — khroo-see'-on )

a diminutive of No. 1, is used (a) of "coin," primarily smaller than those in No. 1 (a),  Acts 3:6;  20:33;  1 Peter 1:18; (b) of "ornaments,"  1 Peter 3:3 , and the following (in which some mss. have No. 1),  1 Timothy 2:9;  Revelation 17:4;  18:16; (c) of "the metal in general,"  Hebrews 9:4;  1 Peter 1:7;  Revelation 21:18,21; metaphorically, (d) of "sound doctrine and its effects,"  1 Corinthians 3:12; (e) of "righteousness of life and conduct,"  Revelation 3:18 .

'''B — 1: χρύσεος (Strong'S #5552 — Adjective — chruseos — khroo'-seh-os )

denotes "golden," i.e., made of, or overlaid with, gold,  2 Timothy 2:20;  Hebrews 9:4 , and fifteen times in the Apocalypse.
