Feigned Feign

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Feigned Feign [1]

'''A — 1: ὑποκρίνομαι (Strong'S #5271 — Verb — hupokrinomai — hoop-ok-rin'-om-ahee )

primarily denotes "to answer;" then, "to answer on the stage, play a part," and so, metaphorically, "to feign, pretend,"  Luke 20:20 . Cp. hupokrites, "a hypocrite," and hupokrisis, "hypocrisy."

'''B — 1: πλαστός (Strong'S #4112 — Adjective — plastos — plas-tos' )

primarily denotes "formed, molded" (from plasso, to mold; Eng., "plastic"); then, metaphorically, "made up, fabricated, feigned,"  2 Peter 2:3 . Cp. plasma, "that which is molded,"  Romans 9:20 .
