State Estate

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State Estate [1]

1: εὐσχήμων (Strong'S #2158 — Adjective — euschemon — yoo-skhay'-mone )

signifying "elegant, graceful, comely" (eu, "well," schema, "figure, fashion"), is used (a) in a moral sense, seemly, becoming,  1 Corinthians 7:35; (b) in a physical sense, comely,  1 Corinthians 12:24; (c) with reference to social degree, influential, a meaning developed in later Greek, and rendered of "honorable estate" in the Rv of  Mark 15:43;  Acts 13:50;  17:12 (for Av, "honorable"). See Comely , Honorable.

2: ταπείνωσις (Strong'S #5014 — Noun Feminine — tapeinosis — tap-i'-no-sis )

denotes "abasement, humiliation, low estate" (from tapeinos, "lowly"),  Luke 1:48 , "low estate;"  Acts 8:33 , "humiliation;"  Philippians 3:21 , Rv, "of humiliation," for Av, "vile;"  James 1:10 , "is made low," lit., "in his low estate." See Humiliation , Low , Vile.

3: ὕψος (Strong'S #5311 — Noun Neuter — hupsos — hoop'-sos )

signifying "height," is rendered "(in his) high estate,"  James 1:9 , Rv, for Av, "in that he is exalted;" "on high,"  Luke 1:78;  24:49;  Ephesians 4:8; "height,"  Ephesians 3:18;  Revelation 21:16 . See Exalt , Height , High.

 Acts 22:5 Colossians 4:7  Colossians 4:8  Philippians 2:19,20 Mark 6:21  Romans 12:16  Jude 1:6Last.
