Colossians The Epistle To The

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Colossians The Epistle To The [1]

Colos'sians, The Epistle to The. The Epistle to the Colossians was written by the apostle St. Paul, during his first captivity at Rome.  Acts 28:16. (A.D. 62). The Epistle was addressed to Christians of the city of Colosse, and was delivered to them by Tychicus, whom the apostle had sent both to them,  Colossians 4:7-8, and to the church of Ephesus,  Ephesians 6:21, to inquire into their state and to administer exhortation and comfort.

The main object of the Epistle is to warn the Colossians against the spirit of semi-Judaistic and semi-Oriental philosophy, which was corrupting the simplicity of their belief, and was noticeably tending to obscure the eternal glory and dignity of Christ . The similarity between this Epistle and that to the Ephesians is striking. The latter was probably written at a later date.
