World To Come

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World To Come [1]

The word translated 'world' in the following passages is αἰών (see World): it may therefore be rendered 'the age to come.' The Lord declared that the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost of attributing His miracles to the power of Satan, should not be forgiven in the present age, nor in the age to come.  Matthew 12:32 . He also promised that those who gave up property or earthly relations for the sake of the kingdom of God, should, beside present blessing, have eternal life in the age to come.  Mark 10:30;  Luke 18:30 . Christ has been exalted above every name named in this world or in the world to come.  Ephesians 1:21 . In  Hebrews 6:5 Paul speaks of some who had tasted of the powers of the age to come, doubtless alluding to miracles.

The word in  Hebrews 2:5 is οἰκουμένη, 'habitable earth.' The habitable earth to come is not put in subjection to angels, but to the Son of man.

The 'present age' was well understood by the Jews to be in contrast to that age which should be introduced by the Messiah. Saints in O.T. times looked forward to this, as forexample Abraham.  John 8:66;  Romans 4:13;  Hebrews 11:10 . Christians are able by faith to enjoy even now the blessings of that coming age, when the Lord with universalsway will establish His kingdom on earth, and have everything underHis administration. Cf.  Romans 14:17 . Every moral question will be settled then.The world to come will usher in eternity.  1 Corinthians 15:24,28 .
