Light Of The World Light

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Light Of The World Light [1]

 Genesis 1:3 Psalm 27:1  Psalm 104:2 John 8:12  Psalm 119:105

This last concept becomes even clearer in  John 3:19; people love darkness better than light, because their deeds are evil. Such statements reveal that the character of light is to reveal and to provide understanding and purity, while the opposite of light or darkness is designed to obscure, to deceive, and to harbor impurity.

A small problem confronts the interpreter who discovers that Jesus said to His disciples in  Matthew 5:14 , “Ye are the light of the world.” Yet in  John 8:12 , Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” What appears to be a contradiction is not one at all. The moon provides light for the earth just as the sun does. Yet, the actual source of light for both the sun and the moon is the sun. The moon only reflects the light of the sun. By the same token, Jesus, the God-man, is the source of all light. His disciples become reflectors in a darkened world, transmitting through their lives the true light of the eternal Son of God. See Lighting LampstandLamps .

W. A. Criswell
