Divine Freedom

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Divine Freedom [1]

 Psalm 115:3 Psalm 135:6 Isaiah 42:21 Ephesians 1:11 Job 34:13 Psalm 135:5 Isaiah 45:7 Jeremiah 18:6 Lamentations 3:37-38 Matthew 20:15 Romans 11:33-36 Hebrews 1:12 James 1:17

God's nature is the source of His freedom. Several aspects of His nature clarify God being able to act freely at all times. One of these is God's supremacy. God is a unique Being. He is not one of many gods but reigns as supreme over all ( 1 Chronicles 29:11;  Nehemiah 9:6;  Psalm 24:1;  Isaiah 44:6 ). He is self-existent and independent within Himself ( Exodus 3:14;  Deuteronomy 32:40;  Jeremiah 10:10;  John 5:26 ). As absolutely supreme, He is free to act as He wishes.

God's power gives Him absolute freedom ( 1 Chronicles 29:12 ). This enables Him to accomplish anything consistent with His nature ( Luke 1:37 ). God is also Spirit ( John 4:24 ). He is thus totally free of the space or time limitations of this universe ( Psalm 139:7-12 ). God is free to be anyplace at anytime with anybody.

Since God is free, He always wills and acts voluntarily and without compulsory outside influence. This does not mean that there is no influence to which God responds. The influence exerted upon God comes from God's nature. Some of the characteristics of God's nature that influence His actions toward His creation are grace ( 2 Corinthians 8:9 ), justice ( Zephaniah 3:5 ), love ( John 3:16 ), and mercy ( Micah 7:18;  Titus 3:5 ).

The implications of divine freedom for mankind are vast. God's creation was established with the qualities of God inherent in it. History involves free interaction between people and God. A fatalistic view of creation or of mankind in particular is not in keeping with the way God exercises His freedom. God's freedom gives humans confidence that God cares for His creatures and works for their good ( Romans 8:28 ). God is interested in people and takes an active, positive role in the affairs of His creation.

Bob Sheffield
