Meetings Experience

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Meetings Experience [1]

Are assemblies of religious persons, who meet for the purpose of relating their experience to each other. It has been doubted by some whether these meetings are of any great utility; and whether they do not in some measure force people to say more than is true, and puff up those with pride who are able to communicate their ideas with facility; but to this it may be answered,

1. That the abuse of a thing is no proof of the evil of it.

2. That the most eminent saints of old did not neglect this practice,  Psalms 66:16 .  Malachi 3:16 .

3. That by a wise and prudent relation of experience, the Christian is led to see that others have participated of the same joys and sorrows with himself; he is excited to love and serve God; and animated to perseverance in duty, by finding that others, of like passions with himself, are zealous, active, and diligent.

4. That the Scriptures seem to enjoin the frequent intercourse of Christians for the purpose of strengthening each other in religious services,  Hebrews 10:24-25 .  Colossians 3:16 .  Matthew 18:20 .

See Conference.
