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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

A stage in Israel's journey, on the border of Edom and Moab (Numbers 21:10; Numbers 33:43). N. of Punon, E. of the northern part of Edom. Now the halting place el Ahsa on the pilgrim route between Damascus and Mecca. Οboth means "holes dug for water"; plural of Οb or obah , Arabic weibeh . Αhsa is also a plural meaning the same. The wady el Ahsa runs N.W. into the Dead Sea, and is the boundary between the provinces Jebal and Kerak, as anciently between Edom and Moab.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [2]

O'both. (bottles). One of the encampments of the Israelites, east of Moab. Numbers 21:10; Numbers 33:43. Its exact site is unknown, but it was probably south of the Dead Sea, on the boundary between Moab and Edom. - Editor).

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [3]

OBOTH . A ‘station’ of the children of Israel ( Numbers 21:10-11; Numbers 33:43 f.). Nothing definite is known as to its position.

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [4]

All encampment, so called, in the wilderness, after leaving Panon. (Numbers 21:10.) If from Ob, skin, Oboth means skins, or bottles of skins.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [5]

One of the stations of the Israelites east of Moab. Numbers 21:10,11; Numbers 33:43,44 .

Holman Bible Dictionary [6]

Numbers 21:10-11Numbers 33:43-44

Easton's Bible Dictionary [7]

Numbers 33:43

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [8]

ō´both , ō´bōth ( אבת , 'ōbhōth , "waterbags"): A desert camp of the Israelites, the 3after leaving Mt. Hor and close to the borders of Moab ( Numbers 21:10 , Numbers 21:11; Numbers 33:43 , Numbers 33:14 ). See Wanderings Of Israel .

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [9]

(Heb. Oboth', אֹבֹת , water-skins, i. e., according to Furst, hollow passes; Sept. ᾿Ωβώθ v. r. Y Σωβώθ ), the forty-sixth station of the Israelites on their way to Canaan, near Moab (Numbers 21:10-11; Numbers 33:43-44), between Punon and Ije-abarim; probably south of the Dead Sea, possibly near Wady el-Ghuweit. (See Exode).

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [10]

O´both, a station of the Israelites [WANDERING].
