Basil Zanchius

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Basil Zanchius [1]

a learned Italian monk and writer, was born at Bergamo in 1501. His real name was Peter, which he exchanged for Basil when he became a canon regular. He studied at Rome and various other places, but resided for the greater part of his life at Rome, where he died in 1560. He was the subject of persecution, for some cause not clearly ascertained, and died in prison. He, was one of the best Latin poets of his age. His Latin poems were first printed at Rome in 1540, and were often reprinted. He also wrote observations on all the books of Scripture (Rome, 1553). He published Epithetoum Commentarii: (1542), a second edition of which appeared under the title Dictionarium Poeticum et Epitheta Veterum Poetarum, etc. (1612).
