John Clarke Young

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John Clarke Young [1]

a Presbyterian minister, son of the Rev. John Young, was born at Greencastle, Pa., Aug. 12, 1803. He prosecuted his preparatory studies under John Borland, an eminent teacher of New York city; and studied three years in Columbia College, when he removed to Dickinson College, graduating in 1823. He entered Princeton Theological Seminary in 1824, where he remained two years; then in 1826 became tutor in the College of New Jersey, where he served until 1828. He was licensed in the spring of 1827 by the Presbytery of New York; and, on leaving Princeton, was settled as pastor of the McChord Presbyterian Church of Lexington, Ky. In the fall of 1830 he was chosen president of Center College, Danville, and filled the office with great credit to himself during the remainder of his life. In 1834 he assumed, in collection with the presidency of the college, the office of pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Danville, in which relation, also, he -remained until his death, which occurred June 23,1857. He published a number of single Sermons, Speeches, and Addresses. See Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, IX, 4:44.
