Alonzo Wheelock

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Alonzo Wheelock [1]

a Baptist minister, was born in 1801, in Vermont. Although the circumstances of his early life were of a somewhat depressing character, he secured for himself a good classical education, and had almost completed his studies preparatory to entering upon the practice of medicine, when he became a hopeful Christian. He now decided to fit himself for the ministry. He was a graduate of what is now the Theological Seminary of Madison (N.Y.) University, in the class of 1829. He had an honorable and successful ministry. His life as a minister was spent mostly with churches in the State of New York. For several years he had charge of a Church in the city of New York. He was recognized as an able scholar and an attractive preacher, and made hosts of friends wherever he lived. For two or three years before his death he was obliged to retire from the active duties of the ministry. His death occurred at Fredonia, in March, 1873. (J.C.S.)
