Benedict Von Welte

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Benedict Von Welte [1]

a Roman Catholic theologian of Germany, was born in 1805 at Ratzewied, and acted as professor of Old-Test. exegesis at Tubingen from 1838 to 1857. He died May 27, 1885, at Rottenburg, senior of the chapter, and doctor of theology. He published, Das Buch Job ubersetzt und erklart (Freibhrg, 1849): Nachmosaisches im Pentateuch beleuchtet (Carlsruhe, 1840): Historisch-kritische Einleitung in die Schriften Alten Testaments (eod.); besides he was co-editor of the Freiburg Kirchen lexikon, which he published together with Wetzer (q.v.). (B.P.)
