Henry Wagner

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Henry Wagner [1]

a German Reformed minister, was born in Berks County, Pa., April 3, 1802. He united with the Church at Aaronsburg, Pa., when about nineteen years of age, entered the Theological Seminary at Carlisle, Pa., in the spring of 1825, and remained about three years; began preaching in the Paradise charge in 1828, and was ordained by the synod in the autumn of the same year; labored extensively in this charge for several years, preaching to eight or more congregations; became pastor of the Lebanon charge, composed of Lebanon, Hill Church, Jonestown, Annville, and Campbellstown, in 1835; accepted a call from McConnellsburg charge, Fulton County, Pa., in 1851; preached at Mercersburg from 1853 to 1856; began his pastorate at Orwigsburg, Schuylkill Co., in the spring of 1856; resigned his pastoral charge, and relinquished the active duties of the ministry in 1865; and died at Lebanon, Pa., May 25, 1869. "As a theologian and as a preacher he stood high among his brethren. His sermons were always well prepared, and replete with sound doctrine and evangelical truth. As a pastor he was faithful and active; as a catechist he was thorough and earnest; as a father in the ministry he possessed the affections and regard of all. His labors in building up the Church were arduous and successful. His ministry has left a sweet savor, and will long be held in grateful remembrance." See Harbaugh, Fathers of the Germ. Ref. Church, 4:224 sq.
