De Veil

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De Veil [1]

(also Duveil), is the name of two Jewish converts, who have become known by their writings in the republic of learning.

1. Charles Maria was born at Metz about 1625. He received an excellent Hebrew education, and embraced the Roman Catholic faith about 1655 (?). His learning and great abilities soon secured for him a high position in his Church, of which he was a distinguished preacher. He became canon in the Order of St. Genevieve, was made doctor of theology by the University of Anjou, and was also prior of the monastery in Metun. He devoted his time to the exposition of the Scriptures in the different positions which he occupied. He published in Latin a Commentary on the Gospels of Matthew and Mark (Angers, 1672): a Commentary on the Song of Songs (Paris, 1673): and a Commentary on Joel (ibid. 1676). In these writings De Veil proved himself such a stanch champion of Romanism that he was requested to hold a controversy with the Huguenots, at that time the great opponents of the Roman Church in France. But his diligent inquiry into the points of difference between Romanism and Protestantism brought about a very favorable impression of the latter, and the former foe became now a friend of the Huguenots. He was obliged to escape from France. In Holland he openly abjured Romanism in 1678, and soon after he went to England, where he not only formed a friendship with men like Stillingfleet, Sharp, Tillotson; Patrick, etc., but also received the appointment of chaplain and tutor to a noble family. He now published new editions of his commentaries, discarding there from and refuting therein the doctrines of Rome. He also published a Commentary on the Minor Prophets (Lond. 1680). These commentaries soon became the text-books of the clergy at home and the Reformed churches abroad. Dr. Compton, bishop of London, encouraged him to prosecute his Biblical labors, and gave him free access to his library at all times. Discovering in this library some works of the English Baptists, De Veil inquired into the controversy, which resulted in his joining this denomination, to the loss of all his friends, with the honorable exception of Tillotson. De Veil gave to the public, as the result of his researches, a Commentary on the Acts (ibid. 1684), in which he defended the Baptists principle. This commentary he translated himself from the Latin into English, and published it in 1685 (new edition, 1851). De Veil's commentaries are still very valuable. See F Ü rst., Bibl. Jad. 3, 470; Kitto, Cyclop. s.v.; Kalkar, Israel u. die Kirche, p. 53; Wolf, Bibl. Hebr. 1, 1007; 3, 973; 4:964. (See Duveil).

2. Louis De Compiegne brother of the former, was called under Louis XIII as rabbi to Compiegne, where he embraced Christianity, in 1655. He studied theology at the Sorbonne, and afterwards went to England, where he became librarian to the king. He translated into Latin many sections of Maimonides' Jad Hachezaka; the catechism of Abr. Jagel, לקח טוב (Lond. 1679); the Introduction Of Abrabamel To Leviticus (ibid. 1683). He published, Oratio de Origine et Praestantia Ling. Hebr. (Heidelb. 1671). See F Ü rst, Bibl. Jud. 1, 184 sq.; 3, 470; Steinschneider, Catalogus Libr. Iiebr. in Bibl. Bodl. p. 2699; id. Bibliogr. Handbuch, p. 143; Bartolocci, Bibl. Jud. 3, 843; Kalkar, Israel u. die Kirche, p. 52; (B. P.)
