Stephen Van Husen

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Stephen Van Husen [1]

a Baptist missionary among the Teloogoos, was born at Catskill, N.Y., Dec. 5 1812, and received his education at the Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution, now Madison University. He received his appointment Aug. 23,1838. He did not reach the field of his labors, Nellore, until March 21, 1840. For several years he devoted himself with zeal to his work with but little apparent fruit, in a section of the Teloogoo country which has recently been so, wonderfully blessed. It was a time for seed-sowing; at last the great harvest has come. Mr. Van Husen's health broke down under his arduous and often discouraging labors, and he returned to his native country, Oct. 1, 1845: He died at Brattleborough Vt., Dec. 13, 1854. (J.C.S)
