Venite Exultemus Domino

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Venite Exultemus Domino [1]

(or Venite, "O, come ye"), a psalm (the 95th) or canticle appointed to be suing in the matins service of the Church of England immediately before the psalms of the day, except on Easter-Sunday and on the 19th day of the month, when it is sung in the ordinary course of the psalms.: In the English Prayer-book the Venite comprehends the whole of the 95th Psalm. But the latter part, being considered as referring chiefly to the Jews, has been omitted in the American revisal, and its place supplied by two verses from the following psalm. In the form of prayer for the visitation of prisoners, and in that for Thanksgiving-day, a substitute is provided to be used instead of the Venite.
