Samuel Lawrence Tuttle

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Samuel Lawrence Tuttle [1]

a Presbyterian minister, was born at Bloomfield, N.J., Aug. 25,1815. He was converted in 1830; pursued his academical studies in Newark, N.J.; graduated at the College of New Jersey in 1836; studied theology at the Auburn Seminary, N.Y.; was licensed by the Newark Presbytery Oct. 8, 1840; ordained pastor of the Caldwell Church, N.J., March 9, 1841; was in the employ of the American Bible Society from 1849 to 1854; became pastor of the Madison Church, Morris Co., N.J., Jan. 3, 1854; agent of the American Bible Society for Western New York from 1862 to i863; and assistant to the secretaries until his death, which occurred April 16, 1866. Mr. Tuttle was an eloquent preacher. The Rev. Dr. Taylor, one of the secretaries of the American Bible Society, gave it as his opinion that there was no person so thoroughly and minutely acquainted with the history and workings of the Bible Society as he. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1867, p. 327.
