Samuel H. Thompson

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Samuel H. Thompson [1]

a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., March 16, 1786, and carefully instructed in the principles of the Christian religion according to the views of the Presbyterian Church. In 1804 he joined the Methodist Episcopal Church; was received on trial in the Western Conference in 1809; and from that time until 1836, a period of twenty-seven years, his field of labor in successive years embraced large, portions of the states of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and the whole of the territories of Missouri and Illinois. In all this vast region he first assisted to plant the principles of the Gospel, and afterwards continued to cultivate them with the most assiduous labor. In 1836, his health failing, he was compelled to take a superannuated relation, and, as such, for the next four years he served the Church in the stations of Alton, Vandalia, Hillsborough, and Belleville. In 1840 he was again returned effective, and appointed to Belleville station, but died March 19 of that year. He was a minister of fine abilities, and everywhere he breathed the peaceful spirit of Christianity around him. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 3, 346.
