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Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): (n.) The act of sousing, or swooping.

(2): (n.) The ear; especially, a hog's ear.

(3): (v. t.) To plunge or immerse in water or any liquid.

(4): (v. t.) To drench, as by an immersion; to wet throughly.

(5): (v. t.) To swoop or plunge, as a bird upon its prey; to fall suddenly; to rush with speed; to make a sudden attack.

(6): (n.) The act of sousing; a plunging into water.

(7): (v. t.) To pounce upon.

(8): (n.) Something kept or steeped in pickle; esp., the pickled ears, feet, etc., of swine.

(9): (n.) Pickle made with salt.

(10): (n.) A corrupt form of Sou.

(11): (v. t.) To steep in pickle; to pickle.

(12): (adv.) With a sudden swoop; violently.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [2]

an ancient term for a CORBEL (See Corbel) (q.v.).
