Constantin Von Schizler

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Constantin Von Schizler [1]

a Roman Catholic theologian, was born of Protestant parentage at Augsburg, in 1827. He studied jurisprudence, and was promoted as doctor of law at Erlangen in 1850. In the same year he joined the Church of Rome at Brussels, studied theology, and was made a priest in 1857 at Liege. In 1859 he was promoted at Munich as doctor of theology, was in 1863 lecturer at Freiburg, in 1866 archieplscopal counsellor, went to Rome in 1873, and was made chaplain by Pius IX. In 1878 he joined the Jesuits, and died at Interlaken, September 20, 1880. He published, Die Lehre von der Wirksamkeit der Sacramente (Munich, 1860): Natur und Uebernatur (1865): Gnade und Glaube (1867): Das Dogma von der Mlenschwerdung Christi (1870): Ueber papstliche Unfehlbarkeit (eod.): Der heilige Thomas von Aquin als Besieger des Liberalisomus (1874). (B.P.)
