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Sebirin [1]

( סבירין ), or Imaginary Readings, is a technical term of the Masorites to denote that words in the Bible ought to be read so and so, but they are not. This expression is derived from Sabar, סבר , "To believe, think;" thus we read in  Daniel 7:25 ויסבר , And He Thought, and in the Chaldee paraphrase on  Proverbs 14:12, "there is a way which is right in the view of man," we read "There is a way which man imagines" ( דסברין ), etc. Now there are a number of such imaginary or supposed readings to be found in the Hebrew text of the Old Test. as the following examples will prove. Thus we read: האל , these, is said to stand eight times for האלה , as in  Genesis 19:25;  Genesis 26:3;  Leviticus 18:29, etc.

אלפי , Thousand, is said to stand four times for אלפים as in  Exodus 32:28;  Judges 4:10, etc.

וימר , And He Said, is said to stand twelve times for ויאמרו , "and they said," as in  Exodus 14:25;  Numbers 32:25, etc.

ארצ , Into The Land, is said to stand five times for

ארצה , as in  Genesis 45:25, etc.

אשׁח , A Wife, stands three times for לאשׁח , "for a wife," as in  2 Chronicles 21:6;  Ezra 2:61;  Nehemiah 7:63.

אשׁר , Which, stands four times for אשׁר , "as which,"  Exodus 14:13;  Leviticus 7:36;  Leviticus 7:38;  Numbers 4:49.

אתה , As Which, stands ten times for עתה , "which,"  Deuteronomy 16:10;  Deuteronomy 24:8,  Joshua 2:7;  Joshua 13:8;  Joshua 14:2;  Jeremiah 23:27 :  Isaiah 51:13;  Hosea 7:12;  Jonah 1:14;  Haggai 1:12.

אתה , Thou, stands three times for עתה , "now," as  1 Kings 1:18;  1 Kings 1:20.

ממנו , From It, stands six times for ממנה , "from her," as  Leviticus 6:8;  Leviticus 26:9;  Joshua 1:7;  Judges 11:34;  2 Kings 4:39;  1 Kings 22:43.

על , Upon, stands nine times for עד , "until," as  Genesis 49:13;  Joshua 2:7;  Joshua 13:16; Judges 7:29,

על , Upon, stands twice for עם , "with," as  Genesis 30:40;  1 Samuel 20:8.

Without enlarging Upon this list, we will remark for those interested in that subject that these סבירין are given in alphabetical order by Frensdorff in his Massora Magna; the first part is entitled Massoretisches Whr-Terbuch, p. 369 sq. See Buxtorf, Tiberias, p. 257 sq.; Levita, Massoreth Ha- Massoreth (ed. Ginsburg), p. 225 sq. (B. P.)
