Jacob Sanborn

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Jacob Sanborn [1]

A minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was born in the town of Unity, N.H., May 16, 1788. His pious parents deeply impressed the mind of their son by their religious instructions, prayers, and holy life. At the age of seventeen years (1805), he was awakened, and found peace. Although of Baptist parentage, he united (Jan. 18, 1806) with the Methodist Episcopal Church. About five years after, he became impressed that it was his duty to preach, and on Aug. 14, 1811, he went to preach as a licentiate on the Landaff Circuit, N.H. In June, 1812, he united on trial with the New England Conference, and from this time onward until 1850, with the exception of one year's location (1839-40), he performed effective labor. In 1850 he took a superannuated relation, which he retained until his death. He nevertheless continued to preach until May 10, 1863, when he delivered his last sermons in Pembroke. He died March 16, 1867. Mr. Sanborn was a more than ordinary man. He was a sound divine, good logician, able preacher, an eminently good pastor, a man of prayer, and of strict integrity of purpose and honesty of heart. See Minutes of Annual Conf. 1867, p. 59.
