Stephen Jordan Rigaud

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Stephen Jordan Rigaud [1]

a colonial bishop of the Church of England, matriculated at Exeter College, Oxford; took the degree of B.A. in 1841; was ordained deacon in 1840 and presbyter in 1842; became fellow, tutor, and examiner of Exeter College in 184546; head master of Queen Elizabeth School, Ipswich, in 1850; and was consecrated bishop of Antigua in 1857, his jurisdiction comprising seven hundred and fifty-one square miles. He died of yellow fever at Antigua, West Indies, May 16, 1859. Bishop Rigaud was the author and editor of, Letters of Scientific Aen: Newton and Contemporaries: Defence of Halley against the Charge of Religious Infidelity: Sermons on The Lord's Prayer, etc. See Amer. Quar. Church Rev. 1859, page 538.
