Carl August Wilhelm Reichhelm

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Carl August Wilhelm Reichhelm [1]

a Reformed theologian of Germany, was born January 20, 1817, at Bromberg, and studied at Berlin, where he was assistant preacher at the cathedral for some time. In 1842 he was appointed; military preacher at Frankfort-on-the-Oder, in 1849 superintendent at Belzig, in 1853 first preacher of the Reformed Church at Frankfort, and died December 6, 1879, member of consistory. He published, Sinai, Predigten uber das Gesetz (Belzig, 1855): Christus, die rechte Speise und der rechte Frank (Frankfurt, 1857), sermons on the fourth and fifth chapters of John. See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. s.v. (B.P.)
