Johann Reiske

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Johann Reiske [1]

a German theologian, was born May 25, 1641, and died at Wolfenbuttel, Feb. 20, 1710. He is the author of Exercitatio Philologica de Sadducceis (Jena, 1666): Theocratia, Respublica sine Exemplo (ibid. 1670): De Lingua Vernacula Jesu Christi (ibid. 1670): -Conjecturce in Jobuum et Proverbs Salom. (Lips. 1679): De Scriptorum Romanorum Judaicam circa Historiam Falsis Narratiunculis, etc. (Wittenb. 1691): Exercitationes de Vaticin. Sibyll. (Lips. 1688). See Furst, Bibl. Jud. 3:150; Winer, Handb. der theol. Literatur, i, 137, 557, 562; ii, 728; Jicher, Gelehrten-Lex. s.v. (B. P.)
