Joseph Octave Plessis

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Joseph Octave Plessis [1]

a somewhat noted Roman Catholic prelate, was born at Montreal, Canada, March 3, 1772, of very humble parentage. He decided to give himself to the service of the Church, and after completing his theological studies was ordained priest, March 11, 1786; was employed as professor of humanity at the College of St. Raphael, also as secretary to the bishop of Quebec, and curate of the capital; Sept. 6, 1797, he was made coadjutor to bishop Denault; April 26, 1800, he was appointed bishop of Canatte, in Palestine, with the succession to the seat at Quebec, of which he became incumbent Jan. 17, 1806. He founded the college at Nicolet, as well as primary schools at Quebec. He was called by the crown to the legislative council in 1818, and proved himself a loyal and patriotic senator. In 1796 he pronounced an oration at Quebec on the occasion of the naval battle of Aboukir. He died at Quebec Dec. 4, 1825. See Ferland, Biog. Notice of J. O. Plessis (Queb. 1864, 8vo).
