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Pik [1]

also called Jesaiah Berlin a somewhat noted Jewish rabbi, flourished at Breslau, in Silesia, where he died, May 13, 1799, after having occupied the rabbiship for about sixteen years. He wrote הגדות , or notes and corrections to the Talmud, which are generally printed in the modem editions of the Talmud: הפלאה שבערכין , elucidations and corrections to Nathan ben-Jechiel's (q.v.) dictionary, called Aruch, but only on the letters כ א , which were edited by R.W. Gunsburg (Breslau, 1830), while the second part, comprising the letters ת ל , which was prepared by Luzzatto and Hurwitz. was edited by Rosenkranz (Vienna, 1859): מיני תרגימא , i.e., glossaries on the Targum of Onkelos (q.v.), edited by D. Sklower (Breslau, 1827, and Vienna, 1836): לציון ראשין , glossaries on the Mishna, printed in the editions of the Mishna (Vienna, 1793; Prague, 1825-30; and with many additions edited by W. Eger, Altona, 1841-46). See Beer, Jiidische Literaturbriefe (Leips. 1857, page 45; reprinted from Frankel's Monatsschrift, 1853-1854); Furst, Bibliotheca Judaica, 1:110; Zunz, Die Momnatstage des Kalenderjahres (Berlin, 1872), page 27; Engl. transl. by Reverend B. Pick, in the Jewish Messenger (N.Y. 1874); Cassel, Leiftiden zur judischen Geschichte u. Literatur (Berlin, 1872), page 107; Jost, Gesch. d. Judenth. u.s. Sekten, 3:245; Steinschneider, Bibliograph. Handb. page 22; Catalogus Libr. Hebr. in Biblioth. Bodl. page 1385. (B.P.)
