Georg Pasor

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Georg Pasor [1]

a learned German philologist, was born Aug. 1, 1570, at Ellar, in Nassau. In 1615 he became professor of philology at Herborn, and in 1616 at Franecker, where he died, Dec. 10, 1637. He is the author of a small lexicon of the New Testament, Lexicon Graeco-Latin. In N. Test. (Herborn, 1622), which has been several times republished, and he left among his papers a grammar of the New Testament, which his son Matthaeus published, with additions and improvements of his own, under the title, G. Pasoris Grammatica Graeca Sacra N.T. in tres libros distributa (Groningen, 1655). This work, which is far more fitted than the lexicon to transmit the author's name to posterity, is now a literary rarity, and is not even mentioned by Foppen (Bibliotheca Belgica, 1:342), who gives a list of Pasors other writings. See Furst, Bibl Judaica, 3:68; Steinschneider, Bibliogr. Handbuch, p. 109; Theologisches Universal- Lexikon, s.v.; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, 3:1284; continued by Rottermund, v. 1629; (B. P.)
