Anton Nicolaus Oberrauch

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Anton Nicolaus Oberrauch [1]

(called also Herculanus), a. Roman Catholic theologian of note, was born in the Sarnthal, in Tyrol, Dec. 5, 1728. His early education he received at Innspruck, where he studied philosophy and theology. In the year 1750 he joined the Order of Franciscans, and continued his studies until the year 1756. After having been engaged as an instructor in the Franciscan monastery for some years, in 1762 he was appointed professor of theology at Botzen; from 1763 to 1765 he lectured on ecclesiastical law at Halle; from 1766 to 1782 he occupied the chair of moral theology at Innspruck, and died in 1808 at the monastery of Schwaz. He wrote, besides several smaller works, Institutiones justitio Christiane s. theologia moralis (1774- 75, 8 vols.; 2d ed. 1796), which had the honor of being placed in 1797 on the Index librorum prohibitoruem: Tractatus de lege Dei ceterna (1776). He also left in MS. pretty well advanced De Juventute religiose educanda. See Theologisches Universal-Lexikon, s.v.; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, in the supplementary volume of Rottermund, v. 895; De Luca, Gelehrtes Oesterreich, i,l; Nova Bib. Eccles. Friburgensis, 1775, No. 28; Wetzer und Welte Kirchen-Lexikon, 7:879, 680; Waitzenegger, Gel. u. Schriftsteller-Lexikon d. deutschen Kath. Geistlichkeit, 2:47- 71. (B. P.)
