Handel Gershom Nott

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Handel Gershom Nott [1]

an Americain divine of some note, was born in Saybrook, Conn., Nov. 10, 1779; graduated from Yale College in 1823; took a theological course in the Yale Seminary; and in 1826 was settled over the First Congregational Church in Nashua, N. H. Subsequently he became a Baptist, and accepted the position of agent of the American Bethel Society, and was for three years Bethel chaplain in Buffalo. Later he preached in Bath, Waterville, and Kennebunkport, Maine: remaining at the latter place for a period of twelve years. His health demanding a change, he accepted a call at Avon, N. Y., in July, 1860; and after a few years removed to Rochester, where he continued to reside until his death, May 3, 1873.
