Nagpur Or Nagpore

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Nagpur Or Nagpore [1]

an extensive inland province of British India, belonging in its civil administration to the Bengal, and in its military to the Madras presidency, extends immediately north-east of the Nizam's dominions, in lat. 170 15'- 23 ° 5' N., long. 78 ° 3'-83 ° 10', and has an area of 76,432 square miles, with a population of 4,650,000. The north part of the province is mountainous in character. The climate is not healthy, and is especially insalubrious in the extensive tracts of low. marshy land which abound in the province. The Gonds, supposed to be the aborigines, are the most remarkable class of the inhabitants. They rear fowls, swine, and buffaloes; but their country, forming the south-eastern tracts about one third of the whole is covered with a dense jungle, swarming with tigers. In the more favored districts, where the inhabitants are more industrious, rice, maize, flax, and other seeds and vegetables are extensively cultivated. The rajahs of Nagpur, sometimes called the rajahs of Berar, ruled over a state formed out of a part of the great Mahratta kingdom. The dynasty, however, died out in 1853, and the territory came into possession of the British. The province has five divisions. Its capital, Nagpur, has a population of 115,000. Inclusive of its extensive suburbs, it is seven miles in circumference. It contains no important edifices. The great body of the inhabitants live in thatched mud tents, interspersed with trees, which prevent the circulation of air and secrete moisture, thus rendering the town unnecessarily unhealthy. Missions are sustained here by the Church of England and other Protestant bodies, but little progress has as yet been made in converting the natives.
