Charles Du Puy Montbrun

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Charles Du Puy Montbrun [1]

a Huguenot warrior, and a zealous Protestant, was born in the diocese of Gap in 1530. He took an active part in the civil wars of his time, and rendered the Huguenots great service, performing several very daring deeds, and showing his bravery in an especial manner at Jarnac and Monontntoutr. He was at last captured and executed in 1575. See Allard, Vie du brave Montbrun (Grenoble, 1675, 12mo); Martin, Hist. de Charles Dupuy (2d ed. Paris, 1816, 8vo); Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, 36:141- 43; Smiles, Huguenots.
