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Easton's Bible Dictionary [1]

2 Samuel 4:3Nehemiah 11:33

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

("two winepresses".) The dual of Gath (2 Samuel 4:3). The men of Beeroth, one of the Gibeonite towns (Joshua 9:17), took refuge, probably when persecuted by Saul (2 Samuel 21:2), in Gittaim. Benjamites occupied Gittaim with other towns N.W. of Jerusalem, on the return from Babylon (Nehemiah 11:33).

Holman Bible Dictionary [3]

2 Samuel 4:3Nehemiah 11:331 Chronicles 7:211 Chronicles 8:13

Hitchcock's Bible Names [4]

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [5]

GITTAIM . A town of Benjamin (?), 2 Samuel 4:3 , noticed with Hazor and Ramah ( Nehemiah 11:33 ). The site is unknown.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [6]

Place to which the Beerothites fled on the death of Abner. It was inhabited on the return from exile. 2 Samuel 4:3; Nehemiah 11:33 .

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

git´ā̇ -im ( גּתּים , gittayim ): The town to which the Beerothites tied, and where they lived as gērı̄m , or protected strangers (2 Samuel 4:3 ). The place need not have been beyond the boundaries of Benjamin, so it may be identical with Gittaim of Nehemiah 11:33 , which was occupied by Benjamites after the exile. It is named with Hazor and Ramah; but so far the site has not been discovered.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

(Heb. Gitta'yim, גַּתִּיַם , two wine-presses, Sept. Γεθαϊ v μ and Γεθθαϊ v μ ), a place incidentally mentioned in 2 Samuel 4:3, where the meaning appears to be that the inhabitants of Beeroth, which was allotted to Benjamin, had been compelled to fly from that place, and had taken refuge at Gittaim. Beeroth was one of the towns of the Gibeonites (Joshua 9:17); and the cause of the flight of its people may have been Saul's persecution of the Gibeonites alluded to in 2 Samuel 21:2; although the above text seems to intimate that the flight was through consternation at the death of Abner, and fear of vengeance for the murder of Ishbosheth. (See Beer). The inhabitants, doubtless, soon returned. Gittaim is again mentioned in the list of places inhabited by the Benjamites after their return from the captivity, with Ramah, Neballat, Lod, and other known towns of Benjamin to the northwest of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 11:33). Schwartz (Phys. Descr. of Palest. page 134) identifies Gittaim with Ramleh (ARIMATHEA) on the strength of certain Jewish traditions; which is not impossible, since Lydda was occupied by the Benjamites, and other associated cities seem to have been located in this neighborhood. (See Lod); (See Hadid).

"Gittaim occurs in the Sept. version of 1 Samuel 14:33 — ‘ Out of Getthaim roll me a great stone.' But this is not supported by any other of the ancient versions, which unanimously adhere to the Hebrew text, and probably proceeds from a mistake or corruption of the Heb. Word

בְּגִדְתֶּם; A.V. ye have transgressed. It further occurs in the Sept. in Genesis 36:35, and 1 Chronicles 1:46, as the representative of AVITH, a change not so intelligible as the other, and equally unsupported by the other old versions."
