Francisco-Maria Del Monaco

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Francisco-Maria Del Monaco [1]

an Italian theologian, a native of Sicily, was born in 1593. In 1618 he entered holy orders, but, instead of preaching, devoted himself to pedagogy. He taught for a time at Padua, and was subsequently employed in different offices. In 1644 he came to France, welcomed by cardinal Mazarin, who appointed him his successor. He preached successfully before the court and in the churches of Paris. He was appointed, through the influence of the prime minister, archbishop of Rheims, but died shortly after at Paris (1651). He wrote Il Sole, panegirico (Venice, 1618, 4to): La Penna, panegirico (1620, 4to): Patrum Clericorum regularium XIV Elogia (Padua; Milan, 1621, 8vo): In actores et spectatores comediarum nostri temporis Parcenesis (Padua, 1621, 4to): Horae subcesivae (1625, 4to): De Paupertate evangelica (Rome, 1644, folio); a work which his departure for France obliged him to leave unfinished: De Fidei unitate, III, ad Carolum, Britanniarum regem. (Paris, 1648, folio): In universam Aristotelis Philosophiam Commentaria (Paris, 1652, folio). Other works of his are preserved in manuscript at Palermo. See Silos, Hist Cleric. reg. part 3, book 8; L. Allatius, De Viris Illustr page 108; F.M. Maggi, De Vita Ursule Benincasae; Mongitore, Bibl. sicula. 1:225; Domini illustri della Sicilia volume 4.
