Jean De Montigny

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Jean De Montigny [1]

a French prelate of some note, was born in Bretagne in 1637, of parents highly esteemed in the best social circles of France; and thus, surrounded with superior advantages, was especially fitted for the highest literary culture. He entered the ecclesiastic life, and soon attained to eminence. In 1670 he was made bishop of Leon, and in the same year was admitted to membership in the French Academy. He died September 28, 1671, at Vitre. He wrote: Lettre a Eraste pour reponse a son libelle contre La Pucelle de Chapelain (Paris, 1656, 4to): Oraison funebre d'Anne d'Autriche (Rennes, 1666, 4to): Lettre contenant le voyaye de la cour en 1660; dans le Recueil de quelques pieces nouvelles et galantes.
