Launcelot Byrd Minor

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Launcelot Byrd Minor [1]

a missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church, was born at Topping Castle, Carolina County, Virginia, September 9, 1813. In 1833 he entered the theological seminary of Virginia. Missionaries being required for West Africa, he determined to give himself to the work. He was ordained in 1836, and sailed from Baltimore for Cape Palmas May 8, 1837. Immediately after arrival in his field of labor, he assumed the charge of a school at Mount Vaughan, Cape Palmas. In April 1839, he visited. the Gold Coast, of which he gave a graphic account, to the Board of Missions. In the same year he returned to the United States on, a visit, and while here he married. Shortly after he returned to Africa, to take charge of a small chapel at Mount Vaughan. In 1841 he took part in an exploring expedition, having for its object the establishment of a station in the district of Taboo, and in 1843 he removed his family to that locality; but just as he was ready to commence his labors there he died. He possessed neither brilliant talents nor a strong intellect, but his devotion to his work made him so earnest and zealous that everything gave way before him. The natives were attracted by the amiableness of his character, and his influence over them was most potent and blessed. See H.W. Pierson, American Missionary Memorial, page 449.
