Franz Joseph Valentin Dominik Maurer
Franz Joseph Valentin Dominik Maurer [1]
a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born at Rottweil, February 14, 1795. In 1820 he received holy orders, but in 1821 joined the Evangelical Church. For some time he was collaborator at the Thomas School in Leipsic, but afterwards retired to Stuttgart, devoting himself entirely to literary work. He died in 1856. He published, Conmmentar uber doas Buch Josua (Stuttgart, 1831): — Commentarius Grammaticus Criticaus in Vet. Testamentumn (Leipsic, 1832 sq.; volume 1 contains all the historical books, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Lamentations; volume 2, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the minor prophets; volume 3, Psalms and Proverbs. There is great disproportion in the mode of treatment. All the historical books from Genesis to Esther are comprised in two hundred. and fifty pages, and it is only after Isaiah that the treatment begins to be more ample, and is then really valuable. Maurer's work was continued by August Heiligstedt. Besides, Maurer published, Praktischer Cursus uber die Formenlehre der hebr. Sprache (Leipsic, 1837): — Kurzgefasstes hebraisches u. chaldaisches Worterbuch (Stuttgart, 1851). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:14, 194, 203; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 2:861 sq.; Furst, Bibl. Jud. 2:335 sq. (B.P.)