William Wisner Martin

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William Wisner Martin [1]

a Presbyterian minister, was born in Rahway. N. J., Dec. 18, 1837. He received a most careful parental training; pursued his preparatory studies in the Academy at Brooklyn, N. Y.; graduated at Yale College, as salutatorian of his class, in 1860; studied divinity at the Union Theological Seminary, New York City, where he graduated in 1863; and was immediately licensed and ordained as a home missionary to the Pacific coast. On his arrival there, he began his labors in Sonora, and joined Sierra Nevada Presbytery; thence he supplied the Howard Street Church, San Francisco, for a few months, and subsequently accepted a call from the Church at San Jos, but, before his installation took place, was taken ill and died, Oct. 16, 1865. Mr. Martin was characterized by an exceedingly frank and genial disposition, clear and discriminating habits of thought, and thorough, decided Christian principles. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1867, p. 311.
