Josias Mackie

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Josias Mackie [1]

one of the earliest Presbyterian ministers who came to America, was born in Donegal County, Ireland. The year of his arrival in this country is uncertain, but the first notice hitherto found of him bears date June 22, 1692. His first settlement appears to have been on the Elizabeth River, Va., where in all probability he became the successor of Francis Mackemie, the first regular Presbyterian minister in America. After a formal oath in 1692, made publicly, and in confirmation of his belief in the Articles of Religion, as allowed in the case of Dissenters, he was licensed. He selected three different places for public worship, many miles apart, on Elizabeth River. These were in the Eastern Branch, in Tanner's Creek precincts, and in the Western Branch, to which was added, in 1696, the Southern Branch. Here, with the care of a farm and a store, he found time to preach, but the record of his labors has not as yet been discovered. Sprague, Annals, 3:5.
