Gabriel De Magalhaeus

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Gabriel De Magalhaeus [1]

a Portuguese missionary, was born at Pedrogao, near Co mbre, in 1609; was admitted to the "Society of Jesus" when only sixteen, and, desiring to enter the missionary work, departed for Goa, India, in 1634. On his way he stopped at Macao, and was led to make an extended tour through China, and so great became his interest in that country that he abandoned his intention of proceeding to India, and preached Christianity in the Chinese empire with zeal and apparent success. At first he was in favor at court, but he fell into displeasure during the Christian persecutions, and barely saved his life. He died a peaceful death, May 6,1677. He wrote several works on China. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, 32:662.
