Ludovicus Lucius

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Ludovicus Lucius [1]

a German Protestant theologian, was born at Basle, February 9, 1577. For some time professor of Hebrew, in the place of Buxtorf, he was called as deacon and rector to Baden, and died June 10, 1642. He wrote, Historia Jesuitica: Notae in Apocalypsin Johannis: Dissertatio Arnica cum Joa. Piscatore de Causa Meritoria Justificationis Nostrae Coram Deo: Anti-Christi Occidentalis in Hungaria Persecutio: Synopsis Anti- Sociniana: De Fide et .Moribus Christianorum: Dictionarium Novi Testamenti: Compendium Theologie: SemiPelagianismus Remonstrantium: Historia Augustini ex Operibus Ejus Collecta. See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:531; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten- Lexikon, s.v. (B.P.)
