Charles Hooker Lloyd

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Charles Hooker Lloyd [1]

a Presbyterian minister, was born in New Haven, Connecticut, February 21, 1833. His early life was spent in mercantile pursuits in New York City. In 1856, however, purposing to become a missionary to the heathen, he entered New York University; later he studied divinity in the theological seminary at Princeton, N.J., and graduated in 1862. He was licensed and ordained as an evangelist by the New York Presbytery April 29, 1862, and appointed (June 21, 1862) by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions to South Africa. He did not, however, do much effective mission work, as he died February 10, 1865. Mr. Lloyd, as a preacher, was eminently wise to win souls. He was gifted with a strong passion for music, and wrote and arranged many chants and hymns for the African converts. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1867, page 169.
