Geronimo Lagomarsini

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Geronimo Lagomarsini [1]

a celebrated Italian Humanist, was born Septrrmber 30, 1698, at Porto- Santo-Maria (Spain). In 1708 he went to Italy, and commenced his studies in the College of the Jesuits at Prato, in Tuscany. In 1721, he began to teach rhetoric at the College of Arezzo. Four years afterwards he went to Rome to complete his theological studies, after which he returned to his duties at Arezzo. In 1732 he was appointed to the chair of rhetoric at Florence, and in 1751 to that of Greek in the Collegium Gregorianum at Rome, which position he occupied until his death, May 18, 1773. He left several works on classical literature, for which see Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
