James Kemp

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James Kemp [1]

a bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church, was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in 1764, of Presbyterian parentage; graduated at Aberdeen University -(Marischal College) in 1786, and the year following came to this country. At first he engaged in teaching, but, finally deciding to join the Episcopal Church, he prepared for the ministry; was ordained -by bishop White Dec. 26,1789, and the year following became rector of Great Choptank parish, Maryland, where he remained for more than twenty years. In 1802 he received from Columbia College the degree of D.D. Two years later he was elected suffragan bishop with bishop Claggett, of Maryland, with the understanding that he was to succeed the latter in case he was the survivor. He was consecrated for this position at New Brunswick, New Jersey, Sept. 1, 1814. The jurisdiction of bishop Kemp was exercised especially over the parishes on the Eastern Shore; in 1816, however, on bishop Claggett's decease, the whole diocese came under his charge, and by his prudence and moderation he commended himself to both clergy and laity. In 1816 he accepted the provostship of the University of Maryland. and held it until the time of his death, Oct. 28, 1827. (J. H. W.)
