St. John Of Meda

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St. John Of Meda [1]

founder, or rather reformer of the order of the Humiliati, was born at Meda, near Como, towards the close of the 11th century. He was a member of the Oldrati family of Milan. After ordination he withdrew to the solitude of Rondenario, near Como, which he subsequently left to join the Humiliati, then a lay congregation. Chosen their superior, he subjected them to the rule of St. Benedict, only changing the appellations of brethren and monks into canons. He obliged them also to say the Virgin's mass every day, and composed a special breviary for their use, which was called canons' office. The Humiliati (q.v.) thus became a regular order, with clerical and lay members. John of Meda gained a large number of proselytes by his preaching, and was reputed very charitable. He died Sept. 26, 1159, and was canonized a few days after his death by pope Alexander III. See St. Antonin, Hist. part 2, § 15, ch. 23; Sylvestre Maurolyc, Mare Ocean di tutti li Relig.; Moreri, Grand Dict. historique; Richard et Giraud, Biblioth. Sac. Hoefer, Nouvelle Biog. G É n É rale, 26, 441.
