Caleb Blood

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Caleb Blood [1]

Blood, Caleb (1),

a Baptist minister, was born at Charlton, Worcester County, Mass., Aug. 18, 1754. He was licensed to preach in 1776, and ordained in the autumn of 1777 at Marlow, N. H., probably as an evangelist. After two years he removed to Weston, Mass., thence to Newton, where he spent seven years. While serving as pastor at Shaftsbury, Vt., he was appointed one of the .trustees of the University of Vermont. In the autumn of 1804 he performed a missionary tour of three months for the Shaftsbury Association in Northwestern New York and the adjacent part of Upper Canada. During his connection with this society, he wrote the Circular Letter of the association in 1789 and 1796. In April, 1807, he accepted a call to the Third Baptist Church of Boston. After three years he removed to Portland, Me., and there closed his labors, March 6, 1814. See Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 6, 193.
