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Curious [1]

kū´ri - us ( מחשׁבת , maḥăshebheth  ; περίεργος , perı́ergos ): The above Hebrew word, meaning "thought," "device," "design," is translated "curious,"  Exodus 35:32 the King James Version "curious works"; the English Revised Version "cunning"; the American Standard Revised Version "skilful"; ḥēshebh ("device," "devised work"), translated the King James Version "curious girdle," is translated by the English Revised Version "cunningly woven band," the American Standard Revised Version "skilfully" ( Exodus 28:8 ,  Exodus 28:27 ,  Exodus 28:28;  Exodus 29:5;  Exodus 39:5 ,  Exodus 39:20 ,  Exodus 39:21;  Leviticus 8:7 ). In  Psalm 139:15 rāḳam , "embroidered," "variegated" is used figuratively of a child in the womb, translated "curiously wrought"; "the body or the fetus is described as woven together of so many different-colored threads, like a cunning and beautiful network or tapestry" (Perowne in the place cited.). See also Curdle . Periergos , "working round about," is used of the "curious arts" of some in Ephesus who brought their books to be burned ( Acts 19:19 the American Standard Revised Version "magical"). See Astrology 14.
